Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Pictures Part 2

Conner Prairie Pictures Part 2!

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Final Conner Prairie Internship Update

Because of my internship, I am confident in the road ahead. My internship at Conner Prairie gave me a glimpse into the complex world of museums. Before starting this internship,I did not really have an idea of what I wanted to do within the museum world. After spending a long time at Conner Prairie, I have developed new skills and built upon old ones. A completely new skill I learned was video editing. Ryan helped me build a foundational knowledge of how to use Adobe Premiere. This new skill will be incredibly useful in a future in Digital Humanities. Thanks to my time at Conner Prairie, I learned that I am really interested in a career in Museum Education. During the first half of the year, I was tasked with creating a digital exhibit about Indiana’s relationship with race during and slightly after the American Civil War. While the project did not end up getting published, I learned a lot of exhibit development and research. The second half of the year I worked on editing videos and provided opinions concerning upcoming projects. I am interested in seeing how to use technology and videos in both in person and online exhibits.

The most valuable part of this entire internship was not just the professional relationship I created with my mentor, but a friendship. Ryan was not only a fantastic mentor but a great person as well. I always looked forward to our weekly catch up meetings. I not only got to hear about the inner workings of Conner Prairie, but I also learned a lot about Ryan. He created a very professional but fun working environment. He holds a lot of patience and wisdom. I appreciated hearing Ryan’s stories about his current and past museum work.

My family lived in Indiana for quite some time, and some are still there today. I remember when I found out that I would be spending my last year interning for Conner Prairie. My mom was absolutely thrilled, although I was confused. My mom told me that when my family lived in Indiana, Conner Prairie was the place to go. She sent me various pictures and memorabilia she had saved from past visits, which I have included below for this final Internship Update. It was an honor to spend time working for a museum that my family has enjoyed on numerous occasions. Looking forward to a balloon ride in the future!

