Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Pictures Part 2

Conner Prairie Pictures Part 2!

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Final Conner Prairie Internship Update

Because of my internship, I am confident in the road ahead. My internship at Conner Prairie gave me a glimpse into the complex world of museums. Before starting this internship,I did not really have an idea of what I wanted to do within the museum world. After spending a long time at Conner Prairie, I have developed new skills and built upon old ones. A completely new skill I learned was video editing. Ryan helped me build a foundational knowledge of how to use Adobe Premiere. This new skill will be incredibly useful in a future in Digital Humanities. Thanks to my time at Conner Prairie, I learned that I am really interested in a career in Museum Education. During the first half of the year, I was tasked with creating a digital exhibit about Indiana’s relationship with race during and slightly after the American Civil War. While the project did not end up getting published, I learned a lot of exhibit development and research. The second half of the year I worked on editing videos and provided opinions concerning upcoming projects. I am interested in seeing how to use technology and videos in both in person and online exhibits.

The most valuable part of this entire internship was not just the professional relationship I created with my mentor, but a friendship. Ryan was not only a fantastic mentor but a great person as well. I always looked forward to our weekly catch up meetings. I not only got to hear about the inner workings of Conner Prairie, but I also learned a lot about Ryan. He created a very professional but fun working environment. He holds a lot of patience and wisdom. I appreciated hearing Ryan’s stories about his current and past museum work.

My family lived in Indiana for quite some time, and some are still there today. I remember when I found out that I would be spending my last year interning for Conner Prairie. My mom was absolutely thrilled, although I was confused. My mom told me that when my family lived in Indiana, Conner Prairie was the place to go. She sent me various pictures and memorabilia she had saved from past visits, which I have included below for this final Internship Update. It was an honor to spend time working for a museum that my family has enjoyed on numerous occasions. Looking forward to a balloon ride in the future!


Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #7

I have learned so many new things about Digital Public Humanities during my internship. The field of Digital Public Humanities requires being flexible, adaptable, and most importantly having good time management skills. These specific themes have been discussed in other blog posts concerning my internship. However, as the semester slowly comes to an end, I have been reminiscing about my first Digital Public Humanities class. Something that has always been in the back of my mind was our very first assignment in the Digital Humanities Certificate program. For the assignment, we had to read different articles which all gave definitions for Digital Humanities. After completing the readings, we were assigned to create our own definitions. The definition I came up with was incredibly broad.

“Digital Humanities can be defined as a broad digital realm of methods, analysis, research, and organization. It typically consists of a collaborative and personal relationship between the digital humanists and the public.”

The more work I have done within the field of Digital Public Humanities, the more I find this definition to be true. There is a spot for everyone within this field. Whether you can build online exhibits, create videos, or produce research, these skills can all be utilized within digital public humanities. One of the crucial elements of Digital Public Humanities is collaboration. This thought is expressed in multiple internship posts, but it is the most important. As we continue to develop and use technology, problems and questions will always arise. This is a field where people are assigned individual tasks to contribute to the overall group. The whole field is one big group project. When everyone puts together their individual pieces, we are left with an exciting learning tool or an interactive exhibit, etc. We create digital tools and experiences which allow people from all around the world to connect with each other.

As a result of this experience, I have been able to find areas of the Digital Public Humanities that could potentially see myself having a future career in, education and research. However, I still have questions and interests about other areas of Digital Public Humanities. I am still interested in pursuing more information about digital curators and creating of digital exhibits.


Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Internship Update #6

I have used various elements from my previous coursework during my time at Conner Prairie. Last semester, I was able to put my research skills to the test. The project I worked on last semester consisted of researching, writing, and organizing a potential online exhibit for Conner Prairie’s Civil War Journey. The knowledge I gained from my Museum Studies course taught by Dr. Crew helped me a lot with this project, especially when it came to the smaller details. I was reminded to think of the audience and the physical layout of the exhibit.

For this semester, I am learning a completely new skill set, video editing and production. My mentor Ryan specializes in video editing and production. I have had no prior experience to video editing outside my own personal use of apps like iMovie. Ryan has introduced me to adobe premiere and all its features. I am currently helping Ryan edit videos for Conner Prairie’s Curious Conversations and other fun projects. Although this is a brand-new experience for me, I am excited to continue developing this skill. I think this will be a useful skill to have, especially working in the digital humanities field.

I would say that there is a difference between theory and practice. However, I think that this difference only exists due to things outside of our control. Like everything in life, you can only prepare for so much. There are many unpredictable problems that can arise when creating any digital project or research. Sometimes you could have difficulty finding or accessing a source. You can also have internet problems which can delay or affect project management. I do not think that there is always a distinct difference between theory and practice, but it varies from project to project. A primary example would be research projects, like a seminar paper. Challenges can sometimes arise when looking for sources, but not every time because it depends on your topic. However, with digital projects the is not really a huge difference between theory and practice. Technology is a very finicky and specific medium. I am sure that those who know how to code have a good understanding of this. For a video to tell a story, the clips must be placed in the right order otherwise the story will not make any sense. I would say that this internship has taught me a lot about the relationship between theory and practice within the field of History.

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #5

My internship has given me new eye-opening experiences in the museum and history fields. Something that is a skill within these fields is problem-solving. When it comes to research or building a new digital project, unexpected challenges can surface at any time, and in areas, you might not have expected any problems. Situations like this have taught me that it is important to remain cool, calm, and collected. It is crucial to keep an open mind to any possible solutions. Previous experience with this problem often left me feeling overwhelmed and unsure of my work. However, last semester taught me how to avoid these types of feelings and work towards finding solutions. I have found that staying flexible and adaptable when unexpected problems arise yields a better chance of finding solutions quicker. Collaboration with other people, regardless if they are involved in your project or not, can often lead to new and better solutions. This semester I will be working on digital projects like I never have before. My mentor Ryan has introduced me to new video editing skills and software. Ryan has been patient and understanding as I begin learning the ropes. Although this was an unexpected experience, I am looking forward to learning a new digital skill!

In all honesty, the only expectation I had entering this internship was that I was going to learn. I did not have a clear idea as to what department of a museum I wanted to work in before I started this internship. I was very open-minded about Conner Prairie’s process. Although I have some experience working directly in the museum field, I was curious to know how other museums ran, how they created their projects, how they interacted as coworkers, and why they believe what they’re doing is important. I have learned the answer to these questions while at Conner Prairie. So far, my expectations for this internship have not changed. Last semester, I was given the opportunity to learn how Conner Prairie creates their digital exhibits. This semester I will learn various video editing skills and techniques. I am still unsure of what role I would like to play within the context of a museum. Therefore, I believe it is important that I continue learning whatever skills I can while I am at Conner Prairie.

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #4

As my time this semester at Conner Prairie is coming to an end, there have been many different techniques and tools that have contributed to my success during my internship. Something that has contributed the most to my success in this internship is communication. Throughout my entire internship, I have been in constant communication with different people at Conner Prairie. Anytime I have ever needed anything there has always been someone to help. This type of communication has made it easier for me to understand what is expected of me and the goals that need to be achieved by the end of the semester. This goes together with the importance of collaboration. Every meeting I have with my mentor Ryan, we discuss what I am currently working on in relation to my exhibit and the ongoing projects Ryan is working on. Although this may not seem like direct collaboration, hearing the different ideas/ strategies Ryan is using has allowed me to look at problems from a different perspective. Communication and collaboration have played an incredibly important role in the creation and success of my project.

Something that has been challenging within this internship is learning how to condense. In one of my previous classes, Museum Studies, we had to create a fictional exhibit and write a grant asking for its funding. It was my first time seeing and learning about how important it is for museums to convey information that is understandable to a majority of their visitors. Taking what I learned from Dr. Crew’s class and applying at Conner Prairie has been easy, but also very difficult. The main difficulty was learning how to condense my information. A lesson that was stressed during my class with Dr. Crew was how it important it was to say what needed to be said with as few words as possible. Although my project is digital, I believe the same reasoning can be applied. The topic of my project is also quite broad. So, when it came to creating the historical interpretation of the material, I had to choose my words very carefully. I had to structure my material in a way that would make sense to the majority of Conner Prairie’s audience. Although this was a challenging obstacle, I was able to overcome this obstacle by taking my time and reading my research thoroughly. Overall, I have not had any obstacles that communication can’t solve.

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #3

A new skill that I have been developing during my time at conner prairie is using their digital software Black Baud. Black Baud is similar to Word Press but slightly different. AJ Fetcher, Conner Prairie’s Web Administrator, has been incredibly helpful and patient with me while learning how to use the software. My time at Conner Prairie has allowed me to build upon the skills that I learned in previous semesters. One skill in particular that I have had a lot of time to work on was web planning/designing. Something that I have had to consider while creating my exhibit page is how the design will be viewed depending on the device used. This has been slightly challenging for me, as the projects I have created in the past were typically only used/viewed on a computer. However, thanks to AJ’s and the team over at Black Baud, things are starting to come together! Another skill I have been developing is using different forms of media to help enhance my exhibit page. Huge shout out to my mentor, Ryan Shank, who is helping bring one of the letters written by a Civil War soldier to life. The video is of a Union soldier reenactor reading a letter out loud. The original letter itself came from a soldier named William R. Lowes. Within the letter, he discussed his opinions on the war and his longing for home. I have learned that adding different types of media to an exhibit page can help immerse users in the information. Lastly, I have learned that by including content such as the soldier video, will allow users to create an emotional connection with the information.

Some other skills that I would like to develop in the future include creating other learning tools. I have found that I really enjoy helping other people learn. I would like to develop the skill set required for both online and in-person learning. I am excited to learn how to create online lesson plans so that teachers may use them. Also, I would like to continue building upon the web-building knowledge that I have previously learned. Although I think coding might be a stretch to learn, I still would like to continue learning about the different purposes web pages can have. Overall, I believe that everything that I have learned at Conner Prairie so far will be incredibly useful to me in the future.

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #2

My internship at Conner Prairie has been a great experience. It has taught me about myself and my work style. I have really enjoyed connecting with all the other various departments at Conner Prairie. Since my first Internship Portfolio Post, I have met with the Curatorial Department and the staff that runs their podcast This is Problematic! Each different group has given me advice and provided ideas about different directions I could take my project. This has contributed to the positive experience I have had at Conner Prairie. To continue having this positive experience, I have found that it is important to work with an open mind. Every department or person you talk to can provide different insights. An example of this was when I discussed my project with the Curatorial Department. A Curatorial Assistant name Dylan Rawles gave me an excellent idea for my project. He suggested that I provide a map including Indiana’s railroads during the Civil War. The purpose of this map would be to illustrate how information and goods were transported during this era. I would use this map to help explain how and why the public opinion was shaped in the areas of certain railways. I think this would be a great addition to my project, however, I am unsure if I will have time to complete the map to the best of my abilities. It is an idea I am hoping will be included in the results.

This internship has helped me figure out my work style preferences which mainly involve collaboration and organization. I have really enjoyed collaborating with the different departments. I have learned that I enjoy working with people and having someone to bounce ideas off. This has helped me look at my project from different perspectives. Another aspect of my work style is staying organized in all aspects of my project. The two ways I have accomplished organization are through using a log and Trello. I have created a consistent and detailed log of my work on a word doc. This has made it easier to keep track of my work and allows me to refer to finished work. A website that has helped me throughout this project is Trello. I have been using Trello since undergrad and it is amazing for projects like this or any project in general. Trello allows its users to create separate checklists such as “needs starting”, “in progress”, and “completed”.

Conner Prairie Internship Updates

Conner Prairie Internship Update #1

My internship this year will take place at Conner Prairie: Indiana’s Living History Museum. The Conner Prairie Museum enriches its community by providing living history experiences. Their mission is to “inspire curiosity and foster meaningful interaction with unique, engaging experiences that don’t exist anywhere else.” At Conner Prairie, they transport visitors back in time to Indiana during the 1800s. They provide an educational foundation for Indiana’s growth as a prairie town to its role in the Civil War. They also provided information concerning Indiana’s vegetation and wildlife. My assigned mentor is Ryan Shank who is the museum’s Director of Digital Experiences. Within this department, they have created numerous digital and virtual experiences, providing access to various educational resources. These resources include online courses, digital exhibits, virtual tours, and more. This department supports its mission by allowing those who may not be able to attend the museum in person a chance to engage with their history. By providing various online resources, Conner Prairie can connect and inspire communities across the country.

My current project with Conner Prairie is the creation of an online exhibit that explains, interprets, and engages visitors with Indiana’s history of the Civil War. Although I have deep knowledge about the Civil War, I have limited knowledge when it comes to Indiana’s role in the war. My interest in the history of everyday and mundane life pushed me to be intrigued in the everyday life of Hoosiers during the Civil War. Also, Indiana was a divided state of opinion when it came to the Civil War. Many people within Indiana had mixed feelings concerning both the Union and the Confederacy. It is this diverse mix of public opinion that has piqued my interest in the subject. I have worked closely with Ryan and AJ Fletcher, Web Administrator, at Conner Prairie. AJ introduced me to the software used by Conner Prairie and provided guidance concerning the creation of a webpage and online exhibit. Another interesting aspect of my internship is museum education. I am excited to be working with Ryan on creating a set of lesson plans pertaining to my digital exhibit.

Not only am I excited to create new digital historical projects, but I am also excited to be a part of an incredibly welcoming group of people. Since my first meeting with Ryan, I have felt very involved in the Conner Prairie community. I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of the year goes!
