Education Blog Posts

Possible Final Project Idea

A possible idea for my final project incorporates my own experience in previous history courses and what I have learned throughout the digital humanities certificate course. My proposed idea is a community blog. In a sense, this blog will serve as a digital history collaborative scavenger hunt. My intended audience is those who enjoy American history and scavenger hunts. The age group for this particular project is 25-35. Each week on the blog a mystery document or object will be posted. Primary sources will depend on the theme of the week. However, it will include familiar and unfamiliar documents. These could include the Declaration of Independence to diary entries. Objects could include Betsy Ross’s Flag to Abraham Lincoln’s slippers.  This document or object would serve as the theme for that week’s study. Throughout the course of the week, people will work together to identify the origins of the document or object. Once the correct origin has been identified, I will post a confirmation. Under the confirmation will be proposed questions for participants to answer. Participants at this time will be able to submit questions concerning the document or object. Other participants and I will be able to answer these questions. The goal of this site is to provide a communal analysis. However, I know that there are already developed issues with blogs such as trolls/unmonitored chat. I am worried that this idea may not produce as many meaningful historical discussions as I would like.

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