Education Blog Posts

Pre-Course Introductory Blog Post

Hello, my name is Josie Barcley and I am a first-year graduate student at George Mason. This is my third class in the Digital Humanities Certificate. Over the course of the other two classes, I have gained skills in Omeka, WordPress, and Audacity. I enjoyed building my Omeka site for my podcast project last semester. It was a cool experience to build a digital site for an actual public project. I am interested in learning how to incorporate these skills in a teaching and learning environment.

My goal for this course is to learn how to use digital teaching and learning tools in the context of history. I have never taken an education course, so I am approaching this class with a very open mind. I am excited to learn how to engage students in the studying of history. In the future, I hope to work in a museum. However, I do not know which role I would like to fill. I am hoping that this class will open the door to new possibilities in museum education and programming.

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