My Digital Project Uncategorized

User Research Summary

My user research has allowed me to have a better understanding of those who might be impacted the most by my digital project. My ideal age demographic consisted of sixteen-year-olds to twenty-four-year-olds. The two people who I interviewed were twenty-one and twenty-two. They both were recent college graduates and have backgrounds in U.S. History. They appeared to have a good understanding of the project. It was enjoyable to discuss times and feelings of rebellion against your parents. This segment also illustrated that there is a shared moment in everyone’s life in which it is time to rebel. This point of my user research allowed me to have a better understanding of the ways in which listeners can relate to my project. Although these two people had a good understanding of the academic portion of my project, that does not mean everyone will. However, it has made me rethink the way I would like to talk about my project. I would like my project to be accessible and enjoyable for all.

My user researcher has shown me that my topic cannot be fulfilled solely through interviews. Although I was able to engage with those who had similar experiences, it was difficult to not delve into more about the presidential children. In order to make my project more focused on the history of presidential children, their story also needs to be told in depth. Although, it was very productive to address how unavoidable and external factors can play a large role in the person that we become. The interviews provided more depth to the topic, as first-hand experiences with mental health problems were discussed. This created a deeper human connection to the individuals we were discussing. In history, we tend to think of those who are in the history books as heroes, villains, and everything in between. However, we forget that they were also just ordinary people like the rest of us. This user research helped shed light on similarities and slight differences that we have with those in the history books.


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