My Digital Project

Project Update #4

My digital project is finally coming together. I finally decided on a name for both the podcast and the first episode. My digital project is called “Resident Rascals” and my first episode is titled “D.C.’s First It Girl.” I am confident about the episode title but unsure about the overall title.  I have solved many of the issues I expressed in previous project update posts. Realistically, I believe I only have a few tasks left to complete. In total, I have three jobs left to finish. The first is tweaking the script here and there. I am currently working on recording and editing my first podcast episode. The episode has kept a consistent run time of 30 minutes during each recording session. I have also decided to try and create my little theme song/ instrumental for the very beginning and end of the episode. I have been tinkering with Garage Band for this element of my podcast. When a podcast has a theme song or little tune at the beginning of the episode, it is a good judge of the content and topics contained in the episode.

Another task I am in the middle of working on is my Omeka site. I have not made changes or edits to the physical website, but I have collected the articles I would like to provide. The research consisted of the materials used for the podcast and any source that I thought was interesting. Once the script is complete, I will place it on the website. I believe my Omeka site will pair nicely with my podcast. It will be a starting place for those who may want to learn more information about the topics discussed in the podcast.

The last task I have to complete is setting up my project’s social media account. I have decided to create an Instagram account for my podcast because I have found that the Instagram pages for podcasts have more attraction and engagement than their pages on other platforms like Twitter. I will be posting updates on current and future episodes and polls and questions for users to participate. I will post images and videos that express the topic of an episode and behind-the-scenes footage. I believe this online presence will help facilitate and grow my audience.

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