Reviews Tools

Palladio’s Maps and Graphs

Palladio is a very intricate tool to use for the visualization of data. You can upload data to form various graphs, maps, and tables. Although I ran into some difficulties using it for the first time, it is still very useful, especially when it comes to graphics. My project with Palladio involved evaluating, mapping, and graphing the various relationships from a series of interviews with people who were former slaves. Palladio can be used in a few easy steps. First, you will need to upload your primary source of data when you first go onto the site. My set of data was the list of interviews, so I labeled this column “Interviews”. In your primary table, you can create other tables by simply clicking on one of your topics and selecting “add new table”. The two other tables I created were labeled “Locations” and “Enslaved”. In the “Locations” table, I uploaded information concerning the location of where the interview occurred and where the person was formally enslaved. I did this by clicking on my characteristic “where interviewed occurred”. In the “Enslaved” table, I clicked on my characteristic “where enslaved” and uploaded data about that. To create a map with this data, I selected the button labeled “extension”. The extension button allows for data to be shared between tables. When creating the map, the data that you shared through your extensions will appear under the categories “source’ and “target” when using a point-to-point map.

I felt that using the graph function of Palladio was much easier than using the map. When creating a graph, all of your characteristics will appear regardless of whether the information was placed through an extension. To create a graph, you simply just need to select which characteristic is your source and which is your target.

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