Reviews Tools

Voyant, Kepler, and Palladio

For the past week, I have been working with three different mapping tools; Voyant, Kepler, and Palladio. These three different tools have revealed a large amount of information concerning the WPA Slave Narrative Collection interviews. While using Voyant, I was able to learn about the frequency of specific words and phrases that appeared throughout all of the interviews. This illustrated the similarities and differences within the content of the interviews. Kepler was probably my favorite tool out of these three. Mainly because I found it to be the easiest one to use for this data. While using Kepler, I was able to see the locations of where the interview occurred and where the interviewee was formally enslaved. Kepler was a really interesting tool due to the variety of map choices you could create. Also, the splitting map feature was very helpful when comparing the different maps. The last tool I used was Palladio. Palladio was very interesting because of the number of graphs you could create using the uploaded data. I learned a great deal of information about these interviews using Palladio. This included the content and question asked by the interviewers, the differences in questions asked due to gender, the age of the interviewees, etc. The use of all three of these tools complements each other very well. Each information found in one is built upon in the next tool.

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