My Digital Project Reviews

Portfolio Blog Post #3

My digital project, All Eyes on Us, is a podcast that discusses and analyzes the lives of presidential children. Although not all of them were children during their father’s presidency, I will still refer to them as children. This project aims to delve into their personal lives and learn from their experiences. Their stories provide an interesting perspective into the daily routine of the White House. Not only were their families the center of the public’s eye, but also the eyes of the secret service. Therefore, my project aims to answer the question, How were their lives affected living under such close watch?” The project will focus on why they made certain decisions, and how their decisions were affected by their relationship with their family and the public.

I decided to go this route with my project for a few reasons. The first is that I realized how little I knew about the presidential children. I realized that maybe other people in the field of history had the same curiosities as myself. The second reason was that there are a lot of stigmas today concerning mental health. Many people do not realize how poor mental health can affect a person at any age. Therefore, I thought this project would be an interesting combination of these two realizations.

While creating this project, I needed to decide whether I wanted to host the show alone or have a co-host. This was a difficult choice because I was unsure of how this would affect the flow of the narrative. However, I managed to intertwine the narrative of the podcast with a constructive conversation about our main topics/themes. I believe that it was a good decision to have a co-host for this podcast. This decision was practical for me considering my co-host is my roommate. It made planning the episode much easier as I always have her in the same house as me. This was also an intellectual decision for me. The podcast is not only discussing and bringing awareness to certain historical figures. It is also mental health and familial issues. I figured that if I wanted to open the conversation up to others, a good example would be to show a comfortable conversation about these difficult subjects.

My Digital Project Uncategorized

Project Update

My digital project is slowly but surely coming together. Although I have made significant progress in the depth of the topics discussed and the level of engagement with the listener, I have had a few setbacks. To separate this podcast from being purely just about gossip, I have restructured the way I discuss certain topics. I will achieve this by discussing how Alice Roosevelt’s certain actions lead to very successful consequences. This would be in terms of her personal life and political life. Other problems I have encountered include locating primary sources. My first episode will be on the life of Alice Roosevelt, so I have been searching for various letters, diary entries, etc. The issue I have been encountering is gaining permission/access to these documents through the Library of Congress and the National Archives. To move forward with this issue, I have sent request forms to receive access to these documents. So hopefully, this problem will be solved sooner than later. I have decided to have a co-star in my first episode, which is my roommate. She has a background in politics, international relations, and law. I think that she would be a good addition to the podcast because she is a member of my target audience. However, it has contributed to the issue of the length of the podcast episode. The ideal time length for a podcast episode would be thirty minutes. I have tried to condense the information as much as I can without taking away from the main message of the episode. I have also struggled with limiting conversation throughout the episode. To move forward with this problem is to just have a more concrete script. My first idea was just using an outline of the topics to have a more open conversation; however, this made the episode much longer than it needed to be. I think if I just write a more concise script, it will be easier to stay on task and keep the episode from running too long. The last issue I have encountered has been creating a name for the project itself. It has been something that I have struggled with because I want it to be catchy and memorable. I think the best way to move forward with this problem is to just create a list of descriptive words that encompass this project idea. From here I am hoping it will be easy to construct a name.

Although these setbacks seem overwhelming, I am still pleased with the progress I have created so far. I think if I take my time with these issues, I will find solutions.
